Psychologist - Marie Strandberg

Marie Strandberg is a licensed clinical psychologist with

17 years of experience that is authorized to work both In Sweden and in Spain.

She is a member of the Spanish psychology association

with number A0 10661.
She has worked in psychiatry, primary care and private practice both in Sweden and in Spain.
Before moving to Palma, she started and managed for 7 years a successful psychology clinic in Marbella.

She works with different evidence-based treatments like

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing)

IFS (Internal Family System)

and the umbrella of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapies).
Specialized in trauma and attachment but has experience working with most mental health problems.
She is seeing the client from a holistic perspective and don’t get stuck in diagnosing if not necessary.

You should reach out to her if you want to see a deep and lasting change in yourself and your life but also if you might be struggling with a seemingly smaller problematic behavior that you don’t seem to be able to change by yourself.
After the first session a plan of treatment will be discussed parting from your needs and goals.

She is welcoming people from the age of 18 and above.

Languages spoken: Swedish, English and Spanish

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to her if you have any further questions.

Individual session: 50-60 min 100 -120 euro

Location : Pasaje Galerias Jaime Tercero 2, 4B

Palma de Mallorca

Google maps HERE

Psychologist, Palma de Mallorca
