FAQ - Frequently asked questions

How do I find the location of the yoga?

All locations have a Google maps link on the page for exact location of the class.

How do I book a class?

On the top of each page there is a button, BOOK NOW.

Press this button and you will go directly to the booking.

You can book a class up to 1 month before class.

(Private classes no time limit).

It's good to book ahead in the summer months and also if you need to borrow a yoga mat.

Bookings after 8pm will be confirmed the day after.

I don't have a yoga mat, are mats provided?

Yes, all locations have mats to borrow without cost, just mark that you need a mat when booking your class.

Payment, How do I pay?

When you attend a class you pay directly to the instructor with cash.

Some instructors also take mobile payment via Bizum.