Sunrise Cacao Circle Alcudia

Awaken the Feminine Essence

We are located in Playa de Muro, Torre d´enfilacio ( Carrer Arenes)

Location Google maps HERE

The classes are taught in english

Every second Saturday morning 7:30-9:30

July 20

August 3, 17 & 31

September 14 & 28

(Private groups in your preffered time and location in Mallorca also available)


1 Cacao circle 30 euro

Class description

Experience the gentle embrace of softness, playfulness, and joy as we carve beautiful pathways to feminine liberation.

Connect with Mama Cacao and allow your heart to open and soften, while connecting to Earth and your beautiful essence through embodiment dance with rising Sun.

You will discover the magic of moving meditation, the body activation and breathwork guided by silent headphones.

De-armour your heart and feel LOVE with every cell of your being!

Michaela Jones, your guide is Embodiment and Pleasure Coach, Yoga Teacher and Sound Therapist

"I'm all about embracing the wild, passionate spirit within! With expertise in womb wisdom, tantra and pleasure teaching, I gently guide women on a journey of self-love, helping them unlock sensuality and embrace their bodies and souls, shadows included. It will be my honour to hold this sacred space for you"

Cacao cermony Mallorca

Sign up

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I bring my own mat