Full moon yoga cermony in Biniamar

Monday July 22nd 20:30-22:30

Celebrate the full moon with a restorative yoga

practice and cultivate a deeper connection within.

The cermony will be held in Binimar June 21st 20:30

(exact location will be chared after booking).

Price 30 euros (incl snacks & tea)

Booking by email info@mallorcayoga.se

Day retreat Sant Llorenc

Saturday September 28th 09:30-17:00


- 9:30 Yoga Class

- 11:00 Creative Workshop & Connecting

- 13:00 Lunch Break

- 14:30 Pool & Journal time

- 16:00 Meditation & Breathwork

- 16:30 Closing Circle

- Extra: Limited Bamboo-Tattoo spots availible (price excluded)

Location Google maps HERE

Price 200 euros